Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Riot Developer Criticizes Current LoL Meta, Says Game is in a Rough Spot

The Struggle to Balance AD Carries in a World of Powerful AP Junglers

A lot of League of Legends players aren’t a big fan of the game’s current meta. With a couple of champions like Corki and Tristana dominating the mid-lane, a Riot developer has shared his thoughts on why balancing the MOBA might prove difficult.

Riot Games’ August, who’s a lead developer on League of Legends, explained how the current meta of the title is “rough” in his June 6th livestream. When talking about Tristana and Corki dominating the LoL mid-lane, August said that nerfing these two Champions might not be enough to fix the problem.

“Corki and Trist being meta is probably pretty rough and I don’t think the game looks like it’s in a great spot when those two AD Carries that are safe are the ones you should be playing in mid-lane,” the dev said.

AP junglers are extremely powerful and consequently very popular in the current League meta. As a result, their popularity creates a high demand for AD-based mid-laners to ensure diversified team damage. Currently, Corki and Tristana are the top choices for AD mid-lane champions.

“They might just need nerfs. But in a meta where you need to run physical damage mid-laner to account for your magic damage jungle, if there are only two physical damage mid-laners you can run, that’s going to look like these two characters are completely broken, compared to if you could run like six of them,” he further said.

League of Legends fans are eagerly awaiting Riot Games’ upcoming adjustments to the current meta in patch 14.14.

Sonu Banerjee
Sonu Banerjee
A fervent gamer and an eSports enthusiast. Loves reading, watching movies and playing games of all sorts.


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