Being a free-to-play first person shooter, Xdefiant had an excellent start and reported staggering player numbers just hours after release. The game was already being considered as a ‘Call of Duty Killer’ even before it was released. Developers are in a constant battle to keep the game balanced in every aspect and not letting any weapon or faction feel overpowered. With that being said, some players recently complained about the snipers in Xdefiant. Developers have now confirmed that the snipers are getting nerfed, but not in a way you think. Keep reading to know more.
Some players complained about the sniper in Xdefiant being a little too overpowered. Some even said that it was impossible to play against an opponent with a sniper. While that is debatable, Mark Rubin, Executive Producer of Xdefiant has recently replied to a post on X by user @EntitaBelva asking Mark “When will snipers be delivered?” Mark replied stating “Right now we are adding flinch so if you are taking hits you can’t just turn, point, click and delete people.”
This approach to nerfing a sniper is unusual as the developer’s goto method of nerfing a sniper is by reducing damage, decreasing fire rate, increased reload time or even increased ADS time. However, it was quickly noted that the sniper in Xdefiant did not have flinching at all, allowing players to accurately shoot opponents even when getting shot. Mark further said in the reply that this change “Should be in an upcoming patch.”

After Mark’s reply, some players requested to not change the sniper’s one-shot kill capability. Doing this should reduce the usability while maintaining the sniper’s lethal firepower. Mark has confirmed that this change will be in the next patch, but no date was provided as to when the next patch will be released. With that being said, Xdefiant has a very promising future and it would be exciting to see what Ubisoft has planned for the game’s future.
Also Read: How Many Players Play XDefiant in 2024?