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HomeDream Admits to Having Cheats Enabled During Minecraft Speedruns

Dream Admits to Having Cheats Enabled During Minecraft Speedruns

In what comes as a surprising news for the Minecraft community, popular Minecraft YouTuber Dream has once again responded to the accusations of him cheating during his speedruns and has admitted to having increased drop rates enabled during his Minecraft speedruns.

Dream is undoubtedly one of the biggest Minecraft YouTubers in the world right now. With a subscriber count of over 22 million, he was the fastest growing Minecraft channel of 2020.

However, his rapid growth wasn’t free from controversies. The Minecraft speedrunner was accused again and again for cheating during his runs that gave him increased drop rates.

Months later since the accusations initially surfaced, it seems like Dream has admitted to cheating during his speedruns in a Tweet on May 30th.

“I feel like this is something important to talk about, I’ve been very withheld for a while about it all and just decided it’d probably be best to just let it out so I can feel relaxed a little more I guess,” Dream said in a statement. 

Dream claims that while cheats were enabled during his speedruns, he was completely unaware of the fact. He had initially enabled the increased drop rate plugin enabled for his Minecraft Manhunt series, but didn’t realize that the plugin was also enabled in his speedruns.

“As much as I was confident that I didn’t cheat, I had never explored the option that I possibly did,” Dream continued. “Due to the way I reacted to the mods and perceived everything going on I was convinced that they were out to get me. I tunnel-visioned and was paranoid and didn’t think straight.

I had plenty of valid reasons to believe that they weren’t impartial and had the mod team and I been completely friendly from the beginning I believe it never would have gotten to the point that it did.”

Dream said further, “I felt really terrible for the mods because I dragged them through the mud even though they were mostly right.”

You can read his full statement here.

Sonu Banerjee
Sonu Banerjee
A fervent gamer and an eSports enthusiast. Loves reading, watching movies and playing games of all sorts.

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