Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeHow to Clip YouTube Streams and Videos

How to Clip YouTube Streams and Videos

Following several years of fans continually asking YouTube to add the feature to Clip videos and streams to the platform, it seems like they have finally listened.

Through an announcement on January 28th, 2021, the YouTube team revealed that a Clip feature is already in the works. They further stated that it’s partially available to use right now. However, the feature is currently restricted to a select few content creators on the platform.

Steps to clip a video on YouTube:

  • Start watching a YouTube video that has the feature enabled.
  • Click on the ‘Clip’ button located between the ‘Dislike’ and ‘Share’ buttons
  • Drag the box on the timeline to the section of the video you want or type in the time codes
  • Title the clip
  • Select the ‘Share Clip’ button

That’s it! Now you can share clips from YouTube to whatever social media you like.

Remember, there are currently some general restrictions implemented on what videos can be clipped. For instance, videos made for kids, live streams without DVR or over 8 hours long, and premieres that are still live, can’t be clipped as of yet.
YouTube has said that the feature will be made available for everyone “soon”.

Sonu Banerjee
Sonu Banerjee
A fervent gamer and an eSports enthusiast. Loves reading, watching movies and playing games of all sorts.


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