The Fair Play Gaming Championship
LXG will be hosting Fair Play Gaming Championship by Fair Trade India in association with Zomato.
This initiative is to support the farmers in India with the help of a tournament where players will assemble together for a cause of supporting the farmers in India.
Fair trade India is a social movement whose stated goal is to help the producers in India to achieve better trading conditions and promote sustainability. As we all know the current situation of farmers in India, where they do not get to promote their produce properly and in which the fair amount which the farmer deserved is not actually delivered to him.
The members of Fair Trade India advocate the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as social and environmental standards.
Fair Trade India organisation is organising a gaming event in the name of Fair Play gaming championship which will be hosted by League Of Extraordinary Gamers (LXG).
The Fair Play Gaming Championship is organised in association with Zomato. The players get a chance to indulge a good gaming habit apart from their stressful working life during their free time.
The tournament will be a One-day event which will include Dota 2 and Fifa. The format for Dota 2 will be 5 vs 5 players and for Fifa, it will be a single player game.
More about the tournament
Tournament 1: DOTA 2 – Rs. 1500 per team
Tournament 2: FIFA 16 – Rs. 500 per player
The tournament is played for a cause, do participate if you are at Bangalore and make a change by gaming.